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Meeting Rooms

Automatically booked along with appointments!

When an appointment is being booked, our system instantly identifies and reserves the most suitable meeting room available.


Streamline Your Workspace with Calendafy's Meeting Room Booking Feature

When a client or internal team member books an appointment, our intelligent system checks meeting room availability in real time and automatically reserves the best meeting room for the appointment type, ensuring a hassle free and efficient process.

Say goodbye to the tedious task of manually checking meeting room availability. It's all done for you!

Meeting Rooms Workflows

Smart Meeting Room Scheduling

Calendafy's scheduling algorithm is designed to identify conflicts and propose alternative solutions.

If a room is unavailable or if there's a scheduling clash, our system offers smart suggestions to keep your meetings on track.

Ensuring an unforgettable appointment experience for clients attending your business.

Schedule Anytime

Real-Time Meeting Room Availability Check

Embrace the efficiency of real-time, automated solutions and stay productive wherever you are.

Whether you're in the office or on the move, manage your meeting room reservations and appointments with ease from your smartphone or tablet.

Simple User Interface

Our intuitive platform ensures a seamless experience for both clients and internal team members. The process is straightforward, making it easy for anyone to book appointments and secure meeting spaces effortlessly.

Flexible to Updates

Calendafy's Automated Meeting Room Booking feature adapts to updates in real time. Modify your appointment details, and the system will automatically adjust the meeting room reservation accordingly to reflect the changes.

Effortless Coordination

Co-ordinate easily with your team or clients without the worry of double bookings. The system intelligently syncs the appointment details with the available meeting rooms, guaranteeing a smooth and error free scheduling process.

Other Popular Features


Multiple Team Member Appointments

Need a colleague in a specific appointment type?

When an appointment is being booked, our smart scheduling system scans all assigned team members availability. Only time-slots where all relevant team members are available will be free to book.