Improve Customer Experience, Increase Revenue & Save Costs

Better Conversion on Marketing Spend  

Start you free trial today to see how Calendafy helps retailers like you increase your conversion rates by >30%. 


Share your availability & make scheduling easier

Whether your customers are walking past your retail shop, reading your weekly newsletter or browsing on your website, you can share specific appointment links with them, so they can quickly book at a time that's convenient for you. 


  • Walking past your retail shop - Calendafy QR Codes
  • Reading your weekly newsletter - Add a button with a Calendafy Booking Link
  • Browsing your website - Embed Calendafy appointments onto any location on your site as a CTA for customer to book
Convenient Experiences

The Retailers Solution

Your time as a retailer is invaluable, and the same goes for your customers too.

Make it quick and easy to schedule appointments and you'll immediately reap the rewards. 

Saving time on administrative tasks like scheduling appointments and answering unnecessary phone call, gives you more time to dedicate to delivering exceptional service, connecting with your customers, and expanding your business.


Calendar Integrations

Calendar invitations are sent from your email address, to your customer, when they book their appointment. Online meeting links can be added if necessary and you can customise the content with directions to your shop and more.

Automated Reminders

Reduce no-shows, cancellations or last minute rescheduling, with automated SMS & email notifications. Stay top of mind and get more touch points with your customer without the manual effort on your end.

Buffer Times

Add buffer times before and after your appointments. Giving you more time to prepare for better customer interactions before they arrive and ample time to follow up diligently after your appointments are completed.

Timezone Detection

Calendafy automatically detects the attendees timezone. Removing the common manual errors that occur when scheduling appointments with customers from interstate or overseas.

Website Embed

Embed all, or individual appointments anywhere on your website. Copy code to embed or copy link to add to buttons. Add links on PDFs, newsletters, email signature, social media pages and more.

Branded Page

Customise your booking page to match your brand. Add logos, business information and profiles. Unique URL with your retail business name and much more with Calendafy's modern design system.

Multiple Attendees

Take appointments only when two specific team members are available. Customise attendees per appointment. Allowing your retail staff to be booked only when they're both available.

Convert More Consumers
QR Codes

As a Retailer, you're always marketing. 

Give your customers the power to instantly book appointments right from your physical brochures, eye-catching event banners, and irresistible marketing materials.

With Calendafy QR Codes, your customers can now schedule appointments with a simple scan of their phone, turning every printed marketing material you create into a direct path to your services.

Designed with retail use cases in mind

Calendafy is designed for the retail industry's processes, making it easy to coordinate appointments with customers, VIP clients and internal employees. Schedule paid appointments, free consultations and more with just a few clicks.

No more back-and-forth emails, missed opportunities, or double bookings.

Exceptional Customer Experiences

By making it easy and convenient to schedule specific appointment types with your business fast, and keeping your business top of mind with reminders, you stand out for your customer focus.

Capture Important Informaiton 

Calendafy Forms allows you to easily create qualification questions to meet the unique needs of your business (qualify customers and gather relevant information from them, before they book their appointment). 

Increase Conversion Rates

Adjust all your customer facing channels to accomodate for quick and simple appointment scheduling CTA for your clients, and watch your conversion rates continue to rise. Get more from your marketing effort. 
Setup your flexible schedule
calendafy product example
Share links or embed on your website
calendafy product example
Get new appointments booked
calendafy product example
Our vision, is to be the most customer friendly software company in the world.

TTV, NPS, RR. These may not mean much to you. However, we measure them daily, to make sure our clients are getting immediate value. Your success is our KPI! 

We're not your average software company, even though our prices are competitive, we believe people buy from people, so we hire the best people, invest in them and enable them to help you (not chat bots or support tickets).

We will work with your Retail Business, to make sure you increase customer inquiries, improve your customer experience and save your team unnecessary admin work.

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Too busy to setup a new software platform? We'll set it up for you!

Fill in the form below, we'll give you a call to understand what you want to achieve, ask some expert scheduling questions, set everything up for you and you're ready to go. No learning how to use Calendafy, or how to set it up. We do it all for you, for free!

Don't believe a software company would do this, give it a try and help us fulfil our vision with you today!